Posts tagged eat clean
Creamy Butternut Squash Soup (V, GF)

When I set out to make this I had no idea what I was making - as usual! However, the creamy consistency and the flavor is just bursting out of the bowl! I can’t even take it!

All I’ve been craving is soups lately! It’s crazy how fall makes you immediately transition to more earthy and warm foods! Based on Ayurvedic lifestyle I am a Pitta and for fall I should be having seasonal harvested foods like apples and pears for cooling energy.

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Gut Healthy Rainbow Chickpea Salad

As I dive more and more into gut health and we establish its importance to your overall health I’ll take time to write out my own recipes and creations that I’ve come up with in order to combat an ever-changing gut microbes. I know that seems extreme and sounds like a long crazy word but as I dive into this you’ll begin to see the importance and what foods can not only heal the gut but along with it heal any ailments you may be dealing with currently.

I have many favorites and I continue to develop more and more recipes that help maintain and develop a healthy gut for me and my family along with all of you! This recipe has so much flavor and is so easy to prepare. 100% vegan. 100% Gluten Free. 100% whole food.

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Apple Cinnamon Granola with Comparisons to Store Bought!

I absolutely love making my own granola! I did a presentation last week on healthy snacks on-the-go and I wasn’t surprised at all to see the amount of sugar found in these little healthy gems! This one is actually one of the many reasons why I started making my own because I always got a sugar high and before I knew it polished off an entire bag! This defeats the purpose of granola in the first place!

First, let’s discuss the granola that’s out there. It comes in many forms and you can really buy so many varieties its ridiculous. This is a highly saturated market from gluten free, to paleo, to grain free, to nut free, to really anything you want. Marketing is all about labels and you absolutely have to look at the ingredients and nut trust labels.

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Spinach Artichoke Quinoa Salad

Looking to add some bulk to your salads? I find salads to be very unsatisfying and frankly I don’t opt for them often for that reason! I like to add some whole grains and fats to my salads and this is a great way to do that to keep things interesting, and filling!

With salads I don’t usually feel sustained energy and you may feel that way too if you are constantly running all day long! I always feel like I have energy longer and can maintain when I’m having a hearty lunch. By hearty I mean adding in some fats and whole grains.

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Gut Healthy Dal with Grain Free "Naan" bread

Ok, you guys I may have made one of the most amazing lentil recipes yet for me and my fam!  We're on day 3 now and its a huge hit and SO filling!  Usually my husband needs meat in addition to anything vegan I make but this time he's loving it as much as I do!  I also paired it with some delicious grain free, naan bread!  Ok, so my husband calls them pancakes but they are much more dense and I cut them into quarters and served them with the dal and my, oh my they are fantastic!  I consider them a mix taste-wise between corn bread, a pancake, and bread.  My husband just says they are pancakes but you be the judge!  Either way, they add to the texture, and keep this recipe grain free, dairy free, gluten free, and all the other buzz words.  AND they are natural meaning made with REAL FOOD!  

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Savory Plant Based Bowl Ideas

owls as you probably know by now, if you follow me on social media, are a favorite and huge staple in my diet.  I think I just love them because I really got into the macrobiotic diet a few years ago and really liked the structure and bowls were a huge thing.  I find it really easy to get creative a piece meals together in a very nutrient dense way!

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Glowing Green Smoothie

I truly believe in the power of greens to not only make you glow from the outside but nourish our bodies in a way that nothing else can.  Greens truly have the power to heal and by incorporating small amounts of greens to your daily life it starts to add up over time to where you not only start to feel the benefits but SEE the benefits through glowing, radiant skin!

I've made several variations of smoothies over the years and done so many different types of juices that's I keep going back to this variation that makes me feel like no other.  In fact, I had one green smoothie a day throughout my entire pregnancy and its the only thing that made me feel good on those days that I just felt nauseated and wanted to lie around all day.  There's nothing like the power of greens to kick you in your tail and supercharge your energy for the day!

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Paleo Peach Cobbler

Before I stared this recipe I had no idea how it would turn out.  I really was just looking to create a fresh sweet bake with some fresh fruit.  Well it turns out it turned out pretty amazing.  It was light, filling, tasty and completely guiltless! Very excited to share this recipe with all of you!

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Strawberry Lemon Breakfast Bake

This recipe came out of nowhere.  I was in the mood for something refreshing like strawberry and lemon combination sounded delightful.  I also LOVE bakes so I really wanted to pair something in a form of a bake with these two flavors. 

I started looking at a ton of recipes - which I normally do to get inspiration.  Then I looked at what ingredients my mom had at her house.  I pulled out chia, hemp seeds, bananas, plant protein, oats, honey, coconut oil and she also had some eggs and I picked up fresh strawberries, lemons and eggs.  With that I figured I could some up with something so I just started mixing.  Meanwhile, my sister decided to sit and watch - with much anticipation I might add as well as some disbelief I could even make this work!

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Blueberry Chia Oat Muffins

I posted these muffins over a month ago on my Instagram and have had so many people message me about this recipe, send me pics and are loving it so I decided to make it a blog post to make it easily accessible! 

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Guilt Free Carrot Cake Bites

One of my favorite cakes ever is carrot cake! I’m not a huge fan of cake but if I’m gonna eat it, its gotta be carrot, or red velvet all the way. I tried this variation to make a cleaner and healthier version of some of my favorites. I happen to love this recipe and it was very fudgy, diary free, gluten free, refined sugar free, vegan and all around wholesome ingredients.

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Roasted Garlic Beet Hummus

Now this beet hummus I've made before but there's something about this particular batch that I really enjoy.  super savory with a tinge of sweetness at the end.  So delicious!  I've been putting it on everything from my salads, to my wraps, to just eating it alone with crackers or veggies.  Its a great thing to have in the fridge for last minute scavenging for food.  At least you know you are eating something that has some nutrients and is heartier than just eating crackers alone or something worse.  

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Clean Green Protein Muffins

I love creating green muffins as they are a great breakfast or snack on the go packed with nutrients and protein!  And I get my dose of greens all at once!  On top of that, they taste incredible!  Made all natural with only natural sweeteners!  Bonus!

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V \ GF Lentil & Veggie Stuffed Peppers

So as I mentioned in my Instagram post, I'm not normally a fan of stuffed peppers.  However, it turns out, I really enjoyed this version - as did my husband!  Bonus!  

I usually start out with a rough plan of what I want to make.  Meaning, I had all of the base ingredients such as lentils, peppers, onions, garlic, some other veggies and of course, avocado!  However, aside from that, I don't really know what I'm going to make or how it will turn out until I start working in the kitchen.  That's just the way I roll.  No recipes, or if I do use them, I alter them every time.  Its how I express my creativity and I really enjoy the challenge of finding new ways to make healthy foods!

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A Host of Health Benefits for Cruciferous Vegetables

Let's talk Cruciferous vegetables.  Some of which include (bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower) and dark, leafy greens in this category  (collard greens, kale, spinach, Swiss chard)  Raw or cooked these vegetables are rich sources of antioxidant compounds like vitamins A and C and flavonoids that help reduce inflammation which as we know is the root cause of most problems in our body.  

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Miso Cod and Roasted Veggies

This recipe was life-changing for me to change my viewpoint of cod.  I mean I've enjoyed some pretty amazing cod at some spectacular restaurants in New York but aside from that, I've never had a thing for it.  I don't do fish often and when I do I don't typically choose cod.  However, because I was cruising the aisle at the local grocer I noticed some frozen wild cod and thought I'd give it a try.  Now this was a challenge because I had to make it tasty!  So I came home, went through all of my spices, oils and etc. and came up with a little marinade concoction that actually turned out to be quite delightful!    

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