Posts tagged whole foods
Creamy Butternut Squash Soup (V, GF)

When I set out to make this I had no idea what I was making - as usual! However, the creamy consistency and the flavor is just bursting out of the bowl! I can’t even take it!

All I’ve been craving is soups lately! It’s crazy how fall makes you immediately transition to more earthy and warm foods! Based on Ayurvedic lifestyle I am a Pitta and for fall I should be having seasonal harvested foods like apples and pears for cooling energy.

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Gut Healthy Rainbow Chickpea Salad

As I dive more and more into gut health and we establish its importance to your overall health I’ll take time to write out my own recipes and creations that I’ve come up with in order to combat an ever-changing gut microbes. I know that seems extreme and sounds like a long crazy word but as I dive into this you’ll begin to see the importance and what foods can not only heal the gut but along with it heal any ailments you may be dealing with currently.

I have many favorites and I continue to develop more and more recipes that help maintain and develop a healthy gut for me and my family along with all of you! This recipe has so much flavor and is so easy to prepare. 100% vegan. 100% Gluten Free. 100% whole food.

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Apple Cinnamon Granola with Comparisons to Store Bought!

I absolutely love making my own granola! I did a presentation last week on healthy snacks on-the-go and I wasn’t surprised at all to see the amount of sugar found in these little healthy gems! This one is actually one of the many reasons why I started making my own because I always got a sugar high and before I knew it polished off an entire bag! This defeats the purpose of granola in the first place!

First, let’s discuss the granola that’s out there. It comes in many forms and you can really buy so many varieties its ridiculous. This is a highly saturated market from gluten free, to paleo, to grain free, to nut free, to really anything you want. Marketing is all about labels and you absolutely have to look at the ingredients and nut trust labels.

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Meals Under 20 Min: Pesto Shrimp & Zucchini Pasta

If there's anything that can be created in less than 20 minutes, I'm in!  How about you?  I mean, most days I barely have time to get myself together let alone cook an extravagant meal with 10,000 ingredients.  Don't get me wrong I love cooking!  And I don't mind taking the time, SOME DAYS.  However, generally speaking I'm rushing just like most of you!  

Because we want to eat clean, and usually in the evening I'm trying to cook meals that are primarily veggies with protein.  I love shrimp because its easy to make and it goes with so many things!  I get the frozen wild shrimp often at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's - but it can be purchased anywhere.  The key is to look for the wild stuff.  By letting it set out for a few hours or keeping it in the fridge the night before is a great way to de-thaw it without having to think about it.  

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Split Pea Soup (V) (GF)

This is one of my favorite recipes and I LOVE making this in the fall to warm my belly.  I may have started the process early because I was craving it in August but we had a cool week here in Denver and really put me in the mood for warm soul food. 

This recipe is very simple and I love to use my crock pot for this recipe.  It makes life easy for me the more I can use my crockpot. I've tried every type of "healthy" vegan split pea soup - normally it comes it with ham - and this one is soooooo incredibly creamy and smooth AND contains NO dairy!  How amazing is that?

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Savory Plant Based Bowl Ideas

owls as you probably know by now, if you follow me on social media, are a favorite and huge staple in my diet.  I think I just love them because I really got into the macrobiotic diet a few years ago and really liked the structure and bowls were a huge thing.  I find it really easy to get creative a piece meals together in a very nutrient dense way!

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Blueberry Chia Oat Muffins

I posted these muffins over a month ago on my Instagram and have had so many people message me about this recipe, send me pics and are loving it so I decided to make it a blog post to make it easily accessible! 

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Paleo Baked Chicken Tenders

According to my husband, these turned out quite well!  It was a dabble in trying to create more "meat" friendly recipes.  Clearly as you can see by reading my blog and recipes that I do not eat meat, however that doesn't mean I don't prepare it.  My husband is a huge fan of all types of meat, poultry and I do make it for him on the reg!  This recipe was inspired by him wanting to eat chicken fingers - don't ask me why he had a craving but he was ready to order from the kids menu using our baby as an excuse to eat them!  Rather than him going that route, I decided I needed to try a new chicken recipe - and a healthy one at that - to help him satisfy his cravings:)

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Blackberry Mango Summer Salad

As promised the weekly Summer Salad edition continues and this one takes in all the in-season fruit goodness that is so plentiful in our local supermarkets and farmers market!  As I walk through the produce section I get my inspiration from the colors and combinations that sounds taste tempting to me and this one was just that!  The mango is so fresh and I added in some crunch with some health warriors - Walnuts!

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Clean Green Protein Muffins

I love creating green muffins as they are a great breakfast or snack on the go packed with nutrients and protein!  And I get my dose of greens all at once!  On top of that, they taste incredible!  Made all natural with only natural sweeteners!  Bonus!

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Cherry Chocolate Overnight Oats

Who doesn't love chocolate?  And with cherries?!?  I mean, this has to be one of my favorite smoothie and now oat concoctions!  I need to have something readily accessible for my husband and I to grab and go in the morning.  We are both usually busy with our little one and out the door to work or I'm off teaching a fitness class!  Life is just easier if we have something that's readily available to us to grab and head out of the door without having to grab something that isn't so healthy.

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