Posts tagged clean eats
Creamy Butternut Squash Soup (V, GF)

When I set out to make this I had no idea what I was making - as usual! However, the creamy consistency and the flavor is just bursting out of the bowl! I can’t even take it!

All I’ve been craving is soups lately! It’s crazy how fall makes you immediately transition to more earthy and warm foods! Based on Ayurvedic lifestyle I am a Pitta and for fall I should be having seasonal harvested foods like apples and pears for cooling energy.

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Grilled Eggplant & Marinated Tofu

This was really something I was dreaming up in my head and to be honest I didn't think it would live up to its expectations.  I mean, I like eggplant but it needs to be cooked really well with some major seasoning and/or marinade.  It lacks flavor and is really just a giant fibrous vegetable.  Thinking of vegetables, I really like to keep the variety in my palette.  Since this is purple it really keeps it mixed up and allows for me to have a full range of benefits.

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