Nutrition Overview

My approach to nutrition is simple.  Eat foods to make you feel good.  Period.  There are SO many diets out there and there is no one particular diet that is RIGHT?  Per se.  There are ways of eating that are right for every person.  We all have our unique chemical make up, which I will expand upon, and our bodies respond differently to foods.  Therefore, its up to YOU works for YOU!  However, sometimes that can be more difficult that we think!  Trust me, I get it.  After visits to the hospital, a series of gastroenternologist and trial and error, I get that it can be an exhausting process.  I'm here to help YOU understand the impacts of food on your body and how you can start making small changes to improve your health.  

I've made it my mission to better educate myself on nutrition by enrolling in at Integrative Nutrition Program at IIN so that I can be more knowledgeable for myself, my family and to YOU!   I've really enjoy cooking vegan and other flexible vegetarian and pescatarian recipes to fit into my lifestyle.  That being said, we will call my diet and and way of living "FLEXING".  I really don't adhere to one particular diet however I do focus on plant based.  I eat what feels good and what makes my body feel good and perform at its best.  I've chosen this way of living after years of dieting and finding what works best for me and my body.  


Ingredients & Macros

I will be sharing everything from my favorite smoothies to quick and easy meals on the go to some of my all time favorite recipes for meal prepping that will make life hassle free during the week.  We are ALL busy and really don't have time to fuss over meal prep so I'm going to try to help make that part of your life easier starting NOW!  

One thing to note, I'm a fan and advocate of carbs - the right carbs!  Don't get me wrong there is a HUGE difference and I am of the mindset that carbohydrates should be used for fuel and I find them to be very imporant staple in my diet and keep me from feeling deprrived in everyday life.  I don't adhere to a diet, I adhere to a healthy lifestyle that is a lifelong way of thinking. 

Below is just a taste of what I will be sharing and I'm SO exited to share some of these incredible recipes with you and your family!

final burger.PNG

Beet veggie burger 

This was one of my recipes from my previous blog that continues to be one of my favorite veggie burgers and I've tried numerous variations!  This one is filling, the perfect consistency, protein and veggie packed and is great to freeze for on-the-go later on!  

For the full recipe click HERE for the link to my previous blog.


weekly meal prep

The photo above is just one of the variety's of weekly meal prep that includes your complete macros.  This includes the following:

  • White tuna
  • Avocado
  • Sauteed veggies
  • Barley
  • Romaine lettuce