Purple Potato Gnocchi with Creamy Garlic Sauce (V) (GF)

As I dig deeper into foods to heal and having read “Eat to Beat Disease” I feel so compelled to share everything that I learn in a translatable way that I can share delicious creations with you.

While this recipe was in the book - I did alter to make gluten free and added a dairy free cream sauce - I found it to be so amazingly good! I had to share!

I’m not going to say making gnocchi was a breeze because its quite messy, but as long as you are patient its really fun! I even had my almost 2-year-old daughter helping! By the end we were both covered in flour and dough but it was worth it!

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Walnut Pesto Eggplant (V) (GF)

This recipe came to me in one of my dreams and maybe because I’m so in tune with this book that I’m reading, “Eat to Beat Disease” and it really has me thinking about each one of these foods and how to heal the body.

First I started dreaming of a walnut pesto, which I’ve had and tried various versions, but then I wanted to take it a step further and luckily I had a beautiful eggplant just sitting in my fridge just waiting to be eaten. So I decided to enlist the eggplant as my main course and essentially, plate for this pesto creation.

How do walnuts help fight disease?

Finding ways to kill cancer stem cells have been longstanding cancer research. Dr. Li has published numerous studies and one by Soul National University where walnut extract was studied for its ability to kill cancer stem cells. Quite a feat!

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Chocolate Chip Miso Cookies (GF) (DF)

Two things I never would have thought to put together. Chocolate chip cookies and Miso! I mean?!? Who would’ve thought?!?

But, because I love and trust Candice Kumai and loved her book so much I decided to give it a try - just made a few edits for my own dietary preferences - however I’m sure these are perfectly amazing as is! But you’ll have to get the book for that version in Kintsugi Wellness

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Kale & White Bean Burger

I was pleasantly surprised because the texture was absolutely perfect and the taste was spot on! One of the trickiest things about making veggie burgers is getting the texture just right and its a fine balance especially when you are using a lot of veggies and beans that have a water base. However, I this was a great combo and I know you’re going to love it!

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Vegan Cashew Kale Pesto (GF)

If you’ve ever tried this delight from Trader Joe’s and you’re like me you’re wondering why you are buying and it and not making it? If you don’t have a Trader Joe’s and are like, what are you talking about, then here’s your ticket to one of the best pesto’s I’ve ever tried that’s vegan and FULL of flavor!

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Creamy Mashed Cauliflower (V) (GF) & Roasted Scallops

This creamy delectable creamy cauliflower mash is very much fluffy and creamy like the good ole’ mash potatoes I used to eat back in the day in Michigan! It brought back all of those feelings as a kid wanting to slather those things in butter and I could practically eat 2-3 servings of nothing but mashed potatoes and leave all the other food behind. It was a huge hit at our house growing up.

You can take the girl out of the Midwest, but you cant take the Midwest out of the girl!

I did my best to recreate these in the most creamy and delectable way I could to emulate the joy I had eating those mashed potatoes as a kid.

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Italian Turkey Crockpot Meatballs

I know this site is usually dedicated for more vegetarian friendly foods, however I do make these for the two non-vegetarians in my household - my hubby and 18 month old daughter. They both LOVE these and I make them quite frequently. So while I hesitated posting to keep this site very vegan/vegetarian/flexitarian friendly, I do like to add foods that I DO actually make for others and this is one of them.

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UPDATED: Green Muffins (GF)

I have loved making these variations as a way to give my daughter a way to eat veggies on the go and for myself! While I love the pouches with veggies, these are a great way to snack on the go and get in your veggies!

My daughter started eating them when she was about 8 months old and now at 18 months loves them. I keep trying new recipes and I have really loved this one as its minimal sugar and LOTS of greens.

The process of getting the greens is a bit intensive, but if you make a double batch and freeze them its more than worth it! I love to keep these in the fridge or freezer and pop them in my bag or her lunch bag on day’s when we are running around like crazy people.

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Crockpot Mahi Tacos

Anytime I eat Mahi I think of the Caribbean. Maybe because I had my first Mahi that I caught after deep sea fishing in the Bahamas years ago. I watched the whole process beginning to end and I guess I came up with an appreciation for the fish more than other fish. I also love the taste, especially fresh caught!

This brings me to my current dish and why the heck did I decide to make it in a crock pot? Who knows. All I know is that it turned out amazing. So juicy. The perfect consistency and all around perfect moisture level.

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Vegan Split Pea Soup - Extra Creamy Edition! (GF)


I’ve probably made this soup 100 times over the course of me creating and experimenting with recipes and every single time I love it more! I posted a recipe on this blog a while back that is a bit more simple - less ingredients but since then I’ve modified it and really love this version! Depending on what you have in your kitchen you can try this one or the other, or both!

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Artichoke Turmeric Hummus (V, GF)

We eat a lot of hummus in our household and my husband recently told me store bought hummus keeps him up at night and makes him bloated. Although I like homemade hummus many times I just find it easier to buy it! I mean its right there, so easy! However, I don’t like all of the preservatives and the sugar! Regardless of how clean the hummus you find at the store, its still processed, has preservatives AND contains sugar. Hence the reason why my husband is so sensitive to it! And why I should be making it for our family.

I’ve made so many varieties over the years and I decided to start tracking them and putting them here for all of you!

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Vegan Crockpot Chili - Variation 2 (GF) (V)

This one is one of my favorites in the winter time and its super hearty, filled with fibrous beans and legumes and keeps me satisfied for hours! Not only that, I make a huge crock pot full and I have lunch and dinner for a couple of days for myself, my husband and my child!

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Leftover Series: Collard Quinoa Seitan Wraps (V, GF)

Every week, on Thursday’s I started doing this LIVE Facebook video where I would take all of my leftovers from my fridge and re-create or create something new with it all together. It’s become a fun project and my Facebook friends seem to really be a fan of it. So, in honor of that I think I’ll make this a regular weekly thing as long as I’m at home….shoot who knows where I’ll be and may want to reinvent something!

So this week I had a lot of leftovers because we were crazed this week and only had a couple meals at home. Here’s a list of my leftovers (some of which were not used)

  • Collard Greens

  • Onion

  • Garlic Cloves

  • Spinach

  • Purple Cabbage

  • Carrots

  • Mushrooms

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Vegan Kale Orzo Pasta Salad

This is probably one of my favorite salads for winter that’s heavier than a normal kale salad. I love the texture and taste of this salad as its a perfect compliment for any entree Or you can simply add a protein - like I’ve done all week long and its been my go-to lunch and dinner!

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Vegan Mac & Cheese

Now who doesn’t love Mac & Cheese? I mean when I was a kid, and lets face it into my 20’s I still ate Mac & Cheese out of the box. Like piled on the butter and powdered cheese! Now this was the true-to-form stuff right out of the box and it was delicious! However, now knowing what I know, its almost impossible to eat!

So, in order to fulfill my childhood cravings AND be able to provide my daughter with something that nutritious, easy to make and very tasty! As we know toddlers and kids can be very picky eaters so its great to have this in your back pocket for a toddler or for yourself!

There are a couple ways to make this. 100% vegan OR vegan + butter. When I say butter I mean in the truest from. No margarine, no salted butter, no oleo, just 100% organic unsalted butter OR clarified butter using Ghee another one of my favorites. Now what’s the difference you ask? Great question! I read a great article on this articulating the difference in simple terms so I have shared it below.

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Super Easy Vegan Crockpot Chili

A delicious and VERY simple preparation for one of the most amazing vegan chili’s I’ve done so far! Beyond easy and really is a way to use up all of your remaining veggies for the week in a very large way! All you do is rinse, chop and dump! That simple! You do need a few basics in your kitchen but I’ll take you through how to prepare for that and what staple pieces I keep in my kitchen at all times.

I’ve included my Facebook LIVE video here as well to take you through in greater detail and included the full recipe in this post! I hope you enjoy! Please follow me on Facebook or Instagram for more LIVE recipes to come!

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Fudgy GF Chocolate Chip Cookies

It’s all about the fudginess of the cookies. I mean who doesn’t like a half cooked cookie with the doughy center? Come on! The absolute dream cookie! Am I right?!? The trick is the consistency in the beginning. This is where you really want to pay attention to the amount of almond milk. You may want to add more if needed. The batter should be fudgy and sticky. Not runny. Not dry. Fuggy. That’s exactly how your cookies will turn out so pay attention here!

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Simple Creamy Broccoli "Cheese" Soup (V, GF)

This particular dish I set out to do a Broccoli “Cheese” Pasta for my baby and family and I had zero time that day as I was teaching all day. I threw everything into the crock pot and let it cook until I go back. Originally I had planned it to cook for about 2-3 hours but it ended up for cooking for more like 4. So what I came home to was virtually a soup at that point. Good news it was SUUUPPPEEER creamy and really tasted like soup!

A few nutrition facts about what I used. I used a chickpea pasta which is here and it is packed and it looks and tastes like pasta if you’ve never tried it! Gluten Free, Vegan, simple ingredients and protein packed (25 G for 4 oz cooked pasta)! 4 Servings in a box and that is pretty much what the total recipe below makes up.

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PB & Chocolate Collagen Granola

When a peanut butter and chocolate craving strikes you better submit because sometimes your body just needs chocolate and peanut butter.

The past couple of week’s I’ve been so off of my normal routine, my hubby has been gone for almost a week, my daughter and I have gotten sick and I’ve been just feeling down, sluggish and had major cravings! While this is my variation of a healthy pb & chocolate craving by no means do I never cave! I mean, I indulged in ice cream last night and regular chocolate over the weekend so there’s that. However, trying to stay on track yet also satisfy my sweet tooth this was a great options!

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