Kale & White Bean Burger

As you know I love me some veggie burgers but this one was kind of a surprise to me as I just kind of stumbled across it! I was thinking of what I wanted to eat for lunch and nothing sounded good. As you are aware I like things that are easy and on-the-go because when I’m hungry, I need to eat NOW! LOL

So, rather than give into my temptation to eat everything in the fridge I paused for a second to just start combining ingredients. I used what I had to be honest and that’s usually where it starts.

I was pleasantly surprised because the texture was absolutely perfect and the taste was spot on! One of the trickiest things about making veggie burgers is getting the texture just right and its a fine balance especially when you are using a lot of veggies and beans that have a water base. However, I this was a great combo and I know you’re going to love it!

The first thing about making veggie burgers is to find your 3 key ingredients.

#1 Pick your protein source - Beans: I love to use all types of beans from black beans, to white beans, to nuts, or legumes like chickpeas or nuts. In this case I used both beans and nuts!

#2 Pick your binders - Egg/Flax Egg and or a grain: Some days I’ll opt for 100% vegan but other I’ll throw in an egg because I do eat eggs occasionally. It’s up to you but using a flax egg is super easy and just requires ground flax and water! I then used almond flour as a way to keep it all together. Sometimes I’ll use oats, brown rice, buckwheat, or sweet potatoes, or quinoa or a combo. You are free to choose from a variety of options!

#3 Pick your Vegetable Source - For this one I used Kale as my primary vegetable and then added some garlic. It depends on what you’re looking for but this is a great way to add in as many veggies as possible!

#4 Pick your seasonings - I love to just add in here. Use your imagination! No real thought except what may sound good. Here I used miso paste, cumin, sea salt!


  • 1 can organic white northern beans (rinsed and drained)

  • 1 bunch organic kale (rinsed and patted dry)

  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds

  • 1 cup almond flour

  • 1/2 tsp cumin

  • two cloves garlic (chopped)

  • 1 egg

  • 2 tbsp avocado oil

  • 1 tsp white miso paste

  • 2 stems thyme leaves

  • 1/2 tsp sea salt

  • 1 tbsp Ghee or your oil of choice.


  1. Add the rinsed beans, rinsed kale chopped, sunflower seeds, cumin, chopped garlic, miso paste, thyme, sea salt. Blend.

  2. Add in egg and oil. Continue blending.

  3. Add in flour and blend for another 10 seconds or until blended but still has a chunky consistency.

  4. Set simmering pan to medium-high heat with a tbsp of ghee (or oil). Let melt.

  5. Add 1/4 cup of batter to pan. Make 4-5 drops depending on pan size. The recipe made 6 medium/large sized patties.

  6. Let saute on one side for about 1-2 minutes. Flip. Let saute for another 1-2 minutes. Flip. check to see both sides are golden brown and cooked all the way through. Will still be soft here and will harden when cooled.

  7. Remove patty from heat and place on parchment paper to cool for approx 5 minutes. Enjoy a patty topped with your favorite toppings OR freeze for later in Tupperware with parchment paper between to ensure the patties don’t stick together!

I hope you enjoy as much as I did! I’d love to hear your feedback! Thanks again for following along! YOU all make me continue to want to blog about food and fitness:)

