Posts tagged quick and healthy snacks
UPDATED: Green Muffins (GF)

I have loved making these variations as a way to give my daughter a way to eat veggies on the go and for myself! While I love the pouches with veggies, these are a great way to snack on the go and get in your veggies!

My daughter started eating them when she was about 8 months old and now at 18 months loves them. I keep trying new recipes and I have really loved this one as its minimal sugar and LOTS of greens.

The process of getting the greens is a bit intensive, but if you make a double batch and freeze them its more than worth it! I love to keep these in the fridge or freezer and pop them in my bag or her lunch bag on day’s when we are running around like crazy people.

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Artichoke Turmeric Hummus (V, GF)

We eat a lot of hummus in our household and my husband recently told me store bought hummus keeps him up at night and makes him bloated. Although I like homemade hummus many times I just find it easier to buy it! I mean its right there, so easy! However, I don’t like all of the preservatives and the sugar! Regardless of how clean the hummus you find at the store, its still processed, has preservatives AND contains sugar. Hence the reason why my husband is so sensitive to it! And why I should be making it for our family.

I’ve made so many varieties over the years and I decided to start tracking them and putting them here for all of you!

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PB & Chocolate Collagen Granola

When a peanut butter and chocolate craving strikes you better submit because sometimes your body just needs chocolate and peanut butter.

The past couple of week’s I’ve been so off of my normal routine, my hubby has been gone for almost a week, my daughter and I have gotten sick and I’ve been just feeling down, sluggish and had major cravings! While this is my variation of a healthy pb & chocolate craving by no means do I never cave! I mean, I indulged in ice cream last night and regular chocolate over the weekend so there’s that. However, trying to stay on track yet also satisfy my sweet tooth this was a great options!

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