Posts tagged fit food
PB & Chocolate Collagen Granola

When a peanut butter and chocolate craving strikes you better submit because sometimes your body just needs chocolate and peanut butter.

The past couple of week’s I’ve been so off of my normal routine, my hubby has been gone for almost a week, my daughter and I have gotten sick and I’ve been just feeling down, sluggish and had major cravings! While this is my variation of a healthy pb & chocolate craving by no means do I never cave! I mean, I indulged in ice cream last night and regular chocolate over the weekend so there’s that. However, trying to stay on track yet also satisfy my sweet tooth this was a great options!

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Gut Healthy Rainbow Chickpea Salad

As I dive more and more into gut health and we establish its importance to your overall health I’ll take time to write out my own recipes and creations that I’ve come up with in order to combat an ever-changing gut microbes. I know that seems extreme and sounds like a long crazy word but as I dive into this you’ll begin to see the importance and what foods can not only heal the gut but along with it heal any ailments you may be dealing with currently.

I have many favorites and I continue to develop more and more recipes that help maintain and develop a healthy gut for me and my family along with all of you! This recipe has so much flavor and is so easy to prepare. 100% vegan. 100% Gluten Free. 100% whole food.

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Paleo Blueberry Pumpkin Seed Muffins

This recipe was inspired by my favorite coffee shop that serves the most amazing blueberry muffin.  I go there a few days a week to work and they have the absolute best cappuccino ever - strong and smooth - and I always get their paleo muffin.  Its a perfect blend of light and fluffy, tasty, blueberry filled, a bit of crunch and very filling!   I would eat one of these and be satisfied for at least 3-4 hours which if you know me, is quite a feat!  So after paying $4 for my favorite muffin several times and carefully studyihg each bite, I decided to give it a try and make it myself!

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Gut Healthy Dal with Grain Free "Naan" bread

Ok, you guys I may have made one of the most amazing lentil recipes yet for me and my fam!  We're on day 3 now and its a huge hit and SO filling!  Usually my husband needs meat in addition to anything vegan I make but this time he's loving it as much as I do!  I also paired it with some delicious grain free, naan bread!  Ok, so my husband calls them pancakes but they are much more dense and I cut them into quarters and served them with the dal and my, oh my they are fantastic!  I consider them a mix taste-wise between corn bread, a pancake, and bread.  My husband just says they are pancakes but you be the judge!  Either way, they add to the texture, and keep this recipe grain free, dairy free, gluten free, and all the other buzz words.  AND they are natural meaning made with REAL FOOD!  

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How To: Meal Prepping Basics

Let's start with the basics of planning your shopping trip to planning out your meals for the week.  First, decide if you are the type of person that gets bored with food easily, or you can roll with it as long as its planned out.  I'm DEFINITELY the type that gets bored and I really don't life leftovers for more than a day MAX two post cooking.  I just prefer my ingredients fresh.

Second, pick your go-to proteins.  This can be a range or stick with one particular protein like chicken.  If you are vegetarian is it tempeh, beans, legumes, soy, etc.  Or maybe you want a variety.  That's fine too, just choose your proteins as a base.

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Spinach Artichoke Pasta & Salmon

A NEW find with the spinach & artichoke pasta! Really loved this combo with some fresh bok choy from the farmers market! Very easy to make and total prep to plate was about 30 minutes! Very easy to make when you get home after a long day and don’t want to stress about cutting, prepping and creating something nutritious!

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Paleo Peach Cobbler

Before I stared this recipe I had no idea how it would turn out.  I really was just looking to create a fresh sweet bake with some fresh fruit.  Well it turns out it turned out pretty amazing.  It was light, filling, tasty and completely guiltless! Very excited to share this recipe with all of you!

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VEGAN Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies

If you can't tell by looking at my blog I LOVE desserts.  More importantly, I LOVE chocolate and cookie dough.  However, if I'm going to eat cookie dough, I'm going to make it healthy because I really want more than what I should have and I know my limits!  Once I start into it, I lose it.  So its better to know I'm eating "healthy" versions to keep my health in check!

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Blueberry Chia Oat Muffins

I posted these muffins over a month ago on my Instagram and have had so many people message me about this recipe, send me pics and are loving it so I decided to make it a blog post to make it easily accessible! 

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Blackberry Mango Summer Salad

As promised the weekly Summer Salad edition continues and this one takes in all the in-season fruit goodness that is so plentiful in our local supermarkets and farmers market!  As I walk through the produce section I get my inspiration from the colors and combinations that sounds taste tempting to me and this one was just that!  The mango is so fresh and I added in some crunch with some health warriors - Walnuts!

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V \ GF Lentil & Veggie Stuffed Peppers

So as I mentioned in my Instagram post, I'm not normally a fan of stuffed peppers.  However, it turns out, I really enjoyed this version - as did my husband!  Bonus!  

I usually start out with a rough plan of what I want to make.  Meaning, I had all of the base ingredients such as lentils, peppers, onions, garlic, some other veggies and of course, avocado!  However, aside from that, I don't really know what I'm going to make or how it will turn out until I start working in the kitchen.  That's just the way I roll.  No recipes, or if I do use them, I alter them every time.  Its how I express my creativity and I really enjoy the challenge of finding new ways to make healthy foods!

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Sweet Potato Gnocchi

I think this is one of my FAVORITE recipes when it comes to a healthy pasta version.  Its gluten free, paleo, grain free - you name it! Whole, real food! And it tastes like it!

I love real gnocchi from great restaurants where its prepared from scratch, that day.  Otherwise, forget it.  I love fresh and real ingredients in my food and this is one way to have your gnocchi and not feel an ounce of guilt!  Well, depends on how much you each but as you will find this recipe is VERY filling

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Cherry Chocolate Overnight Oats

Who doesn't love chocolate?  And with cherries?!?  I mean, this has to be one of my favorite smoothie and now oat concoctions!  I need to have something readily accessible for my husband and I to grab and go in the morning.  We are both usually busy with our little one and out the door to work or I'm off teaching a fitness class!  Life is just easier if we have something that's readily available to us to grab and head out of the door without having to grab something that isn't so healthy.

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Mango Turmeric Super Smoothie

I'm always looking for new smoothie ideas and I love the idea of adding turmeric to a smoothie I just wanted to figure out a way to mask the taste without adding loads of sugar!  The reason I like to use turmeric is because it is one of many ways to reduce inflammation in the body.  And why would one want to do that?  Because inflammation is the main cause for most of the problems we have going on in our bodies. 

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Sweet & Salty Granola Cereal

This granola has the perfect combination of salty and sweet which I love!  When I have cravings and don't know which I prefer, this is a great option because it satisfies them all AND its loaded with super foods!  As much as I can I try to jam pack everything into bars and granola because its a great way to give the most bang for your buck, or so to speak.  This includes pumpkin seeds, chia, cacao and whole grain oats which all are fabulous for an energy boost!  

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Spicy BBQ Jackfruit Tacos

Jackfruit is absolutely one of a kind tropical fruit recognized for its unique shape, and size. It is rich in energy, dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins and free from saturated fats or cholesterol; fitting it into one of the healthy treats to relish!  Here are just a few reasons why it should be part of your diet:

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Vegan Lentil Pasta with Almond Tumeric Slaw

Some days I feel like more than others and today I just wanted something healthy and fast.  I scurried through the cabinets and found I had this bag of lentil pasta.  And when I say lentil pasta, I mean made from straight lentils.  So, protein and nutrient rich and also, very dense!  It is one of my favorites when I want a hearty and filling meal that's going to satisfy me for the entire evening.  Well it does that and then some.  Unlike traditional pasta, lentil pasta doesn't have the sugar and processed ingredients so you don't end up feeling hungry 2 hours later.  So not only is it a great filler but it's easy to add in some veggies and whip up a meal that is macro nutrient dense.

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Mint Chocolate Vegan Smoothie

I love smoothies and frankly nothing makes me happier than creating something new and smoothies make it so fun and easy to change up the flavor to keep your taste buds guessing.  I had a major craving for chocolate – this is nothing new – so rather than just make a plain ole chocolate smoothie I added some kick with a bit of mint and it was exactly I was imagining and sparked some jazz for my taste buds!

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