Posts tagged anti inflammatory
Creamy Butternut Squash Soup (V, GF)

When I set out to make this I had no idea what I was making - as usual! However, the creamy consistency and the flavor is just bursting out of the bowl! I can’t even take it!

All I’ve been craving is soups lately! It’s crazy how fall makes you immediately transition to more earthy and warm foods! Based on Ayurvedic lifestyle I am a Pitta and for fall I should be having seasonal harvested foods like apples and pears for cooling energy.

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Mango Turmeric Super Smoothie

I'm always looking for new smoothie ideas and I love the idea of adding turmeric to a smoothie I just wanted to figure out a way to mask the taste without adding loads of sugar!  The reason I like to use turmeric is because it is one of many ways to reduce inflammation in the body.  And why would one want to do that?  Because inflammation is the main cause for most of the problems we have going on in our bodies. 

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