Posts tagged macros
How To: Meal Prepping Basics

Let's start with the basics of planning your shopping trip to planning out your meals for the week.  First, decide if you are the type of person that gets bored with food easily, or you can roll with it as long as its planned out.  I'm DEFINITELY the type that gets bored and I really don't life leftovers for more than a day MAX two post cooking.  I just prefer my ingredients fresh.

Second, pick your go-to proteins.  This can be a range or stick with one particular protein like chicken.  If you are vegetarian is it tempeh, beans, legumes, soy, etc.  Or maybe you want a variety.  That's fine too, just choose your proteins as a base.

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Savory Plant Based Bowl Ideas

owls as you probably know by now, if you follow me on social media, are a favorite and huge staple in my diet.  I think I just love them because I really got into the macrobiotic diet a few years ago and really liked the structure and bowls were a huge thing.  I find it really easy to get creative a piece meals together in a very nutrient dense way!

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Vegan Lentil Pasta with Almond Tumeric Slaw

Some days I feel like more than others and today I just wanted something healthy and fast.  I scurried through the cabinets and found I had this bag of lentil pasta.  And when I say lentil pasta, I mean made from straight lentils.  So, protein and nutrient rich and also, very dense!  It is one of my favorites when I want a hearty and filling meal that's going to satisfy me for the entire evening.  Well it does that and then some.  Unlike traditional pasta, lentil pasta doesn't have the sugar and processed ingredients so you don't end up feeling hungry 2 hours later.  So not only is it a great filler but it's easy to add in some veggies and whip up a meal that is macro nutrient dense.

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