Posts tagged healthy mom
Spinach Artichoke Quinoa Salad

Looking to add some bulk to your salads? I find salads to be very unsatisfying and frankly I don’t opt for them often for that reason! I like to add some whole grains and fats to my salads and this is a great way to do that to keep things interesting, and filling!

With salads I don’t usually feel sustained energy and you may feel that way too if you are constantly running all day long! I always feel like I have energy longer and can maintain when I’m having a hearty lunch. By hearty I mean adding in some fats and whole grains.

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Spinach Artichoke Pasta & Salmon

A NEW find with the spinach & artichoke pasta! Really loved this combo with some fresh bok choy from the farmers market! Very easy to make and total prep to plate was about 30 minutes! Very easy to make when you get home after a long day and don’t want to stress about cutting, prepping and creating something nutritious!

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Paleo Peach Cobbler

Before I stared this recipe I had no idea how it would turn out.  I really was just looking to create a fresh sweet bake with some fresh fruit.  Well it turns out it turned out pretty amazing.  It was light, filling, tasty and completely guiltless! Very excited to share this recipe with all of you!

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Blackberry Mango Summer Salad

As promised the weekly Summer Salad edition continues and this one takes in all the in-season fruit goodness that is so plentiful in our local supermarkets and farmers market!  As I walk through the produce section I get my inspiration from the colors and combinations that sounds taste tempting to me and this one was just that!  The mango is so fresh and I added in some crunch with some health warriors - Walnuts!

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V \ GF Lentil & Veggie Stuffed Peppers

So as I mentioned in my Instagram post, I'm not normally a fan of stuffed peppers.  However, it turns out, I really enjoyed this version - as did my husband!  Bonus!  

I usually start out with a rough plan of what I want to make.  Meaning, I had all of the base ingredients such as lentils, peppers, onions, garlic, some other veggies and of course, avocado!  However, aside from that, I don't really know what I'm going to make or how it will turn out until I start working in the kitchen.  That's just the way I roll.  No recipes, or if I do use them, I alter them every time.  Its how I express my creativity and I really enjoy the challenge of finding new ways to make healthy foods!

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