Posts tagged recipes for fat loss
Blueberry Lemon Breakfast Bake

Yes, I know its been 9 days since I've posted a recipe but the creative juices just weren't flowin!  Ya hear me?  I mean it really takes some creative inspiration to come up with these recipes and really execute well so I have to do it when I'm in the zone.  And well today, friends I'm back in the zone!  

For this recipe you can really swap out to make it fully paleo or vegan and I'll give you some variations in the ingredients list.  Its very simple and however way you decide to spin it, I'm sure it will turn out to be bomb.

This bake has a sweet and cakey-vibe but then add in the lemon curd and.......daaaannnnggg.  Legit!  So I decided to add the curd till last minute and then wanted to stack it and make it a double decker delight with the custard in between just to create a more interesting looking dish.  However way to decide to make this, it will rock your taste buds.

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Strawberry Lemon Breakfast Bake

This recipe came out of nowhere.  I was in the mood for something refreshing like strawberry and lemon combination sounded delightful.  I also LOVE bakes so I really wanted to pair something in a form of a bake with these two flavors. 

I started looking at a ton of recipes - which I normally do to get inspiration.  Then I looked at what ingredients my mom had at her house.  I pulled out chia, hemp seeds, bananas, plant protein, oats, honey, coconut oil and she also had some eggs and I picked up fresh strawberries, lemons and eggs.  With that I figured I could some up with something so I just started mixing.  Meanwhile, my sister decided to sit and watch - with much anticipation I might add as well as some disbelief I could even make this work!

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Guilt Free Carrot Cake Bites

One of my favorite cakes ever is carrot cake! I’m not a huge fan of cake but if I’m gonna eat it, its gotta be carrot, or red velvet all the way. I tried this variation to make a cleaner and healthier version of some of my favorites. I happen to love this recipe and it was very fudgy, diary free, gluten free, refined sugar free, vegan and all around wholesome ingredients.

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Crock Pot Crack Nuts

The name is everything!  I couldn't think of a better description for these and this sounded right on!  So this is the easiest nut mix ever to create and it takes literally no prep time at all.  Throw them in the crock pot - or I guess if you have a modern day Insta Pot - and voila!  I'm still stuck in the stone ages and I happen to LOVE my crock post so if you have another means I guess you can just speed up the wait time for the deliciousness!

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