Skin Rash
For those of you who follow me on Instagram you will have seen in my stories the very bad rash that I broke out in as a result of being allergic to penicillin. In addition, as a fitness instructor its impossible to keep dry skin so a heat rash has started as a result of the initial rash.
I originally started as a few bumps on my lower abdomen to then spreading to my trunk, then chest, then all down my arms and now on my legs. Its not pretty. I’ve spent the past week trying to rid this nasty rash in any way possible.
After going to the doctor and confirming it started from an allergic reaction, although the rash is still here almost 8 days post stopping the antibiotics for my strep throat.
In an effort to restore my gut health and get back the good bacteria after wiping it with antibiotics - which was very reluctant to take as i haven’t have any since I was a kid. I adhere to a very strict no drug policy as much as possible. Not saying all meds are bad, but for me I’ve chosen not to as it has taken me years to restore my healthy gut bacteria.
That being said, I had strep throat. The super bug that is almost impossible to rid without antibiotics. Not only that, but it spreads to a multitude of other things. After consulting my physician, my acupuncturist, my mom who is a nurse and other medical professionals, I was strongly advised to proceed with the antibiotics.
Wouldn’t you know, to my surprise I broke out into a rash after 3 days on the antibiotics. It was bright red spots that itched and spread by the day. I finished my 6th day of antibiotics and then said, I’ve had enough! So i stopped them on the 7th day. However, the rash wasn’t finished with me. It continued and still is all over my body almost 10 days later, BUT I’ve stopped it, and its drying out! Thankfully!
Here’s what I’ve done the past 4 days after seeing my doctor, and 9 days post stopping the antibiotics - penicillin.
Cleanse skin about 2-3 times a day. After each class I teach if I sweat during the class. For someone who isn’t in my line of work 2 times a day is probably sufficient.
My bath consists of a 1/2 tub full of warm water, 1 cup of Epsom salt, 2 drops tea tree oil, 2 drops of peppermint, 3 drops of lavender essential oils. I soak for about 15-20 minutes. Really no longer.
I really only take a bath in the evening. In the morning or midday when I shower I make sure to cleanse my entire body with a non fragrance, no invasive soap. I actually started using Selsun Blue(as in the anti-dandruff shampoo) and its done wonders to dry it out. Otherwise a good non fragrant bar soap is great.
1-2 x a day. I’ve made my own juice concoctions and blended the vegetables fully and strain out the pulp. Below are the juice combos I’ve been using. These are both to restore my gut and get more nutrients into my body.
Green juice. 1 bunch of kale rinsed, 1 bunch swiss chard, 1 bunch of celery rinsed and chopped, 1/2 apple or pear, 2 tbsp aloe, 1/2 cup coconut water
Orange juice. 1 grapefruit peeled, 1 orange peeled, 1/2 tsp turmeric, 2 tbsp aloe, 1/2 cup coconut water, 1 - 1” chunk fresh ginger
No lotions or oils on the skin
wash all clothing, especially workout clothing after wearing
Having a rash can be extremely frustrating and make anyone very self concious, I know it was for me. It’s very stressful when it over takes your body and you have no way of knowing how to heal it and the stress doesn’t help! Try to be consistent with the procedures above and think about long term.
I really hope this works for you! I’d love to hear your feedback or any other types of rashes you’ve experienced and if you need treatment advice or what worked for you!
Thanks for following along.
About 4 days into the rash
After 2 days of treating naturally